Rhinoplasty in Dubai

Rhinoplasty in Dubai - Transform Your Profile with Expert Cosmetic Surgery

Welcome to Miami Clinic, the premier destination for transformative rhinoplasty in Dubai. Our skilled and experienced cosmetic surgeons are dedicated to sculpting the perfect nasal harmony, enhancing your facial aesthetics with precision and care.



The goal of rhinoplasty, also known as nose surgery, is to reconstruct and correct the nose by altering the bone or cartilage. Besides aesthetic purposes,
the procedure can also be performed for medical reasons, such as to increase the device’s overall functionality and to address respiratory problems or injuries suffered through accidents.

The surgery can widen, narrow, and adjust the size of the nose or straighten the nose bridge. Furthermore, the tip can be restructured.

In order to remedy the aforementioned respiratory problems, which are in most cases due to a deviated septum, a secondary procedure, called
Septoplasty, can be performed. Straightening the septum that separates the nasal passageways into a right and a left side will improve breathing.



Depending on the conditions, rhinoplasty can be performed either under local or general anesthesia. The option most suited to your case will be
recommended by your doctor. The surgery usually takes two to four hours to complete, and you will not experience any pain during the treatment in either

Nose surgery is performed utilizing an “open” or “closed” method. With the open approach, which is the most common, the surgeon makes a little
incision in the skin between the nostrils, lifts up the skin, and then has full access to the tissues beneath. The closed approach involves incisions made
inside the nose, resulting in no visible scars but less visibility and a diminished capacity to manipulate the tissues.

In the case a Septoplasty is performed instead, the surgeon moves or removes bone and/or cartilage in order to realign and straighten the nasal
bridge.The skin will be then put back in place and the wounds sealed after the reshaping process is finished.


In either case of anesthesia, it may be required for the patient to spend the night at the clinic after the procedure.
People typically use a nasal splint for the first 7- 10 days following rhinoplasty. The most common symptoms are light bruising and swelling of the
nose, around the cheeks and eyes, upper teeth numbness, and a slight nasal obstruction. In order to facilitate pain and discomfort, pain medication will be

The first few days and weeks following Rhinoplasty are crucial. In order to reduce recovery time, and achieve optimal final results, the patient must refrain from heavy lifting and strenuous exercise (for approximately 3 to 4 weeks), avoid tobacco use, alcohol, and any type of skin treatments on the nasal area, and blow the nose. During this time, the nose should be cleaned gently, with cotton
swabs soaked in a saline solution or hydrogen peroxide.

Work can be resumed after 1 to 2 weeks. The exact timeframe of recovery varies with each patient, and our medical professionals will advise you
accordingly. After two weeks, most of the bruising and swelling go down. Some swelling might persist, or come and go, but will be only noticeable by the patient and the doctor, and will completely disappear over the next 6 months. Following this period, the long-lasting results of the rhinoplasty will be apparent.


As with all surgeries, and all procedures involving anesthesia, there can be some risks of complications, although our experienced doctors are able to
minimize or overcome them completely. These include:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Scarring/ Poor healing
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Skin discoloration
  • Numbness
  • Unsatisfactory aesthetic result


Do you have any questions?

Let our medical experts answer all your inquiries and offer the solution that best fits your cosmetic needs.