Face lift


Face lift

A facelift, or Rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure used to reduce sagging skin on the face and sooth skin folds on the cheeks and jawline, thus creating a
much younger appearance. It is an operation equally popular in men and women, usually of a more advanced age.

A number of causes, such as skin thinning, facial fat loss, gravity, sun damage, smoking, as well as heredity and stress, can cause the face to lose
its young contours. This can negatively impact self-image, and can lead to severe anxiety and even depression. By undergoing this operation, you will regain a youthful appearance, as it greatly improves your facial characteristics. It can also be combined with a brow lift, in order to rejuvenate the appearance of the patient’s eyes. A neck lift is frequently performed in conjunction with a face-lift, in order to thin out the neck’s fat and loose skin.

Alternatively, people seeking facial rejuvenation but who do not wish to undergo surgery, can opt for a treatment with dermal fillers. In order to restore lost volume in the cheekbones, temples, lips, under-eye area, and nasolabial folds, fillers are precisely injected under the skin. There are different solutions, and our medical professionals will choose the best one for you based on your cosmetic needs. Facelifts, however, are able to erase vertical bands and tighten sagging neck skin, something fillers and Botox injections are unable to do.

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A facelift can take between two to four hours, and is performed under general anesthesia:

  • TRADITIONNAL FACELIFT: An incision that starts in the hairline near the temples, travels around the ear, and terminates in the lower scalp is made. In addition to repositioning underlying tissue and sculpting or redistributing fat from the face, jowls, and neck, it is also frequently necessary to lift the muscles and deeper layers of the skin on the face. Excess skin is removed and redraped over the raised features. To further rejuvenate an aged neck, it could be required to make a second incision under the chin. The incisions are closed using dissolvable sutures.
  • LIMITED FACELIFT: The incision made is shorter and begins just above the ear, in the hairline. It wraps around the front of the ear but does not extend all the way into the lower scalp. Due to the fact that the results are not as rejuvenating as a full facelift, these are often only used on patients who have less skin relaxation.
  • DERMAL FILLERS: A faster, non-invasive treatment, using Hyaluronic acid, collagen, fat or Platelet-Rich-Plasma (PRP). The patient is given repeated injections of dermal fillers, which are substances that restore facial volume for a more youthful look, soften wrinkles and facial creases and decrease shadows under the eyes.The areas around the nose, around the eyes, and the creases beneath the mouth will be targeted for each injection. This procedure is performed under local
    anesthesia and will take between 30 minutes to an hour.Recovery time is minimal, and you can resume usual activities within two days. You will experience some bruising, numbness and swelling, which will
    quickly subside. Most patients do not need medication, but your doctor might prescribe mild pain-relievers.

Your face lift will produce long-lasting results, and you will see change once the bandages have been removed, but it could take several months for the
swelling to completely go down and up to two months for the incision lines to heal.


Although it is rare, some risks and complications might arise following a Rhytidectomy:

  • bleeding
  • numbness
  • fluid accumulation
  • infection
  • asymmetry
  • allergic reaction to the anesthetic
  • facial nerve injury
  • poor wound healing
  • change in skin sensation
  • skin discoloration
  • deep vein thrombosis
  • contour irregularities


Do you have any questions?

Let our medical experts answer all your inquiries and offer the solution that best fits your cosmetic needs.