Vitamin Therapy


Vitamin Therapy

Intravenous (IV) vitamin drip therapy is a safe and effective technique to administer minerals, vitamins, and medications straight to your bloodstream in a
controlled and timely manner. If you suffer from vitamin deficiencies, digestive problems, chronic illnesses, engage in vigorous exercise, or are always on the run, an IV drip is ideal. Vitamins, minerals, and amino acids are necessary for good physical and mental health. They assist your body’s functions, preserving the health and functionality of your organs.

There is a number of reasons to choose an IV Vitamin treatment, mainly:

  • helps reduce fatigue and tiredness
  • strengthens your immune system
  • boosts energy levels
  • helps maintain healthy muscles, bones, skin and hair
  • protects your cells
  • reduce symptoms of migraines
  • improves cognitive function
  • improves symptoms of depression
  • promotes the proper functioning of the nervous system
  • improves athletic performance

Many people eat organic, healthy food and take vitamins, but still feel exhausted and run down all the time. In many cases, we discover that this is caused by gut problems that interfere with appropriate nutrient absorption.

Orally consumed supplements are metabolized by the digestive system, which dramatically lowers the amount of vitamins, nutrients, and medications that
reach the bloodstream. Compared to the 8% to 10% absorption that oral, tablet forms of vitamins provide, vitamin delivery via IV therapy enables the absorption of 99.9% of vitamins, putting them directly into your bloodstream for optimal impact.



Intravenous vitamin therapy takes 30 to 60 minutes to complete. As only a needle is used on the site of the injection, to deliver the nutrient solution. You will be able to relax until it is over, and will feel no pain, just a light pinch. Once it is over, you will feel an immediate boost. However, the results usually become fully apparent after 12 – 24 hours and persist anywhere from 8 days to 2 weeks,
depending on your health and the IV vitamin cocktail.

  • headaches
  • infection at the injection site
  • blood clots
  • air embolism
  • vein inflammation


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