PRP therapy


PRP therapy

Platelet- Rich- Plasma is an advanced treatment for skin rejuvenation that has immensely grown in popularity these past few years. Due to the fact that PRP is created from your blood, there are almost no dangers of allergies or sensitivity. PRP is blood plasma with high platelet concentrations that activate stem cells and aid in the body’s rapid regeneration and healing.

PRP smoothes up the overall texture of the skin, reduces the visibility of small lines and wrinkles around the mouth and eyes, and fills in hollow areas like the cheeks, temples, and tears through grooves. PRP can also aid in the fading of surgical and acne scars.



To produce PRP, our skilled medical specialists separate the platelets and protein-rich plasma from a sample of your blood. Plasma with high protein content and platelets are extracted using a centrifuge. After that, the sample is concentrated and referred to as platelet-rich plasma (PRP). The amount of blood taken from the body can be from 10ml to 30ml, based on the number of targeted areas to be treated.

The PRP treatment is a simple, safe procedure, that takes approximately 30 minutes. Hyaluronic acid is first infused into the skin to ensure that it is completely hydrated and pigmentation-free. The plasma is then applied to your face before the next part of the procedure.

Your forehead, cheeks, and other areas of your face will then be micro-needled by our medical experts to ensure that the protein-rich solution can penetrate deeply into the skin. When combined with an infusion of PRP, micro-needling, which naturally promotes collagen growth, has a double collagen-boosting impact.


Immediately after the treatment, there will be very minor swelling and redness, and in some instances, bruising, all of which will be gone in a matter of days. It is advised to refrain from work, exercise, and heavy lifting for 2 days after the treatment.

To get the most out of PRP skin rejuvenation treatment, it is best to undergo three treatments separated by four to six weeks. The immediate effect following treatment is an improvement in skin texture, which you’ll notice within the first month. After the therapy is complete, the majority of the collagen is regenerated in around 3 months. When that occurs, the skin seems youthful because it is significantly raised and has fewer wrinkles or creases.
The results of PRP therapy last for up to two years.


Compared to other injectable treatments, the chance of an allergic reaction and other risks is far lower with PRP injections because they are formed of your own cells and plasma. Less common complications of PRP injections include minor bleeding, nerve damage, tissue damage, and long-lasting bruising or swelling.

Extreme temperatures (saunas, hot water), and unnecessary contact with the treated area should be avoided for the first 48 hours.


Do you have any questions?

Let our medical experts answer all your inquiries and offer the solution that best fits your cosmetic needs.