Silk peel


Silk peel

The SilkPeel Dermalinfusion is a cosmetic, non surgical treatment. It combines cleansing, exfoliation, extraction, hydration, and antioxidant protection
in a hydra dermabrasion facial. You can use the SilkPeel treatment to refresh your skin and improve your appearance on your face, neck, chest, hands, and other parts of your body.

The advantages are long-lasting since exfoliation stimulates cell renewal, which is something that slows down with age. After the initial microdermabrasion
session, the skin continues to get better thanks to the treatment’s accelerated cell turnover process.

Since microdermabrasion aims to improve the health of the skin from the inside out, it is a very versatile procedure that may be used to treat a variety of
issues and conditions. It is most commonly used on the face, but can also benefit the body, as it improves dry skin or body acne.

Both men and women can benefit from microdermabrasion, which is an efficient treatment for:

  • age spots
  • freckles
  • enlarged pores
  • fine lines
  • wrinkles
  • acne
  • mild scars
  • acne scars
  • stretch marks
  • dry skin


The process takes between 30 to 60 minutes total, and consists of three distinct steps: exfoliation, extraction and infusion. There is no need for sedation, as the treatment is completely painless. Patients only feel a tingling, but not unpleasant feeling. Some are already filled, while others are filled as the implant is placed.

Your skin is exfoliated during the procedure using a diamond-tipped or disposable vortex-tipped wand. The disposable vortex tip, which has a diamond
tip and is about the size of a pen, exfoliates skin using a unique method. The wand also has a suction attachment that removes impurities as it pumps serum into your skin. Depending on the purpose of your treatment, an unique serum may be employed. A skin-specific solution is infused into the pores as the skin is exfoliated with the diamond-tip and the machine is vacuuming out the oil, filth, and detritus lodged in the pores.

After the microdermabrasion procedure, calming and therapeutic lotions are applied. These are more efficient since they can permeate the skin more
thoroughly after the therapy. You will immediately feel a better skin texture and a much improved, fuller (temporary) appearance.

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Let our medical experts answer all your inquiries and offer the solution that best fits your cosmetic needs.