


Gynecomastia is a fairly regular disorder that causes increased male breast tissue. Males of all ages can exhibit it, but it is most common during puberty and later adulthood. Gynecomastia can be caused by a variety of factors, but most
frequently, a testosterone and estrogen imbalance.

The breast is composed of fatty tissue and glandular tissue, whether it belongs to a man or a woman. Each person’s breast has a different proportion of glandular to fatty tissue. Depending on the person, the condition can range in intensity from hardly perceptible symptoms to a considerable enlargement of the male breast, complete with sagging skin. The disorder might affect one or both breasts, sometimes in an uneven way. Diet and exercise alone cannot treat the condition, so the breast glands and fat tissues must be surgically reduced. Obese
individuals may develop larger breasts as a result of extra fatty tissue. This isreferred to as pseudogynecomastia.

Gynecomastia can also be developed because of some conditions:

  • kidney disease
  • liver disease
  • alcoholism
  • -Adrenal tumors
  • thyroid disease
  • lung cancer
  • anabolic steroid use

Your suitability for gynecomastia surgery is mostly dependent on the condition of your skin. You should be within 10% of your target body weight and have good skin elasticity to get the optimal results from the surgery. After liposuction and gland removal, the skin can usually shrink and adjust to the new
body contour.

It is a condition that can affect how men feel about themselves in a very negative way. It can be a heavy burden, with strong psychological effects, that can often lead to depression.



In certain cases, gynecomastia can be treated with a liposuction alone, where the fatty tissue is removed. However, in most instances, a surgical excision
is required. This method is typically used for patients with stretched, sagging skin around the breasts. A cosmetic surgeon can use tissue excisions to remove more glandular tissue and/or skin that liposuction cannot effectively address.

Excision is a surgery that takes between two to three hours, and is typically performed under general anesthesia. To surgically remove the excessive fatty and glandular tissue, the surgeon makes a small incision around the areola. They are then removed using a tiny metal tube called a cannula. The incision will then be stitched up by the surgeon using dissolvable sutures. While you will see immediate change, you might need up to six months to truly enjoy the full benefits of your operation.


As with any operation, some complications might arise after a surgical excision for gynecomastia:

  • bleeding
  • infection
  • swelling
  • bruising
  • asymmetry


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