Neck lift


Neck lift

Age, exposure to the sun, genetics and even long-term stress can take a toll on the head, resulting in loose skin and fat deposits that form on the neck. This problem affects both men and women, and can lead to severe anxiety, self-image issues and even depression.

Some people are also born with sagging neck skin and wish to correct it.

A neck lift, also called a lower rhytidectomy, is a surgical technique that reduces fat and tightens the skin around the jawline and neck to reduce obvious indications of aging. The result is symmetrical and more youthful neck contours.

It should be noted that a neck lift cannot change other facial features or stop the aging process, but can be combined with other facial procedures, like a brow lift or a face lift.

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A neck lift takes between one to two hours, and is usually performed under general anesthesia. Two options are available, depending on the case and amount of excess sagging skin.

A short neck lift involves a few small incisions that are made around the client’s ears. It is used in mild cases, where there is only a little sagging skin or fat deposits, is faster, safer, but produces lesser results.

A regular neck lift involves an incision made around the earlobes, sometimes ending near the hair behind the ears. The skin and underlying neck muscle, called platysma, is pulled back. Excess skin is removed, and fat can be suctioned out.

The incision is then closed with dissolvable sutures.


The surgery is relatively painless, but there might be some discomfort and pain for the following few days or weeks afterwards, for which the doctor will prescribe some pain-relieving medication.

You will be able to leave a few hours after the surgery, but will not the able to return to work for 1 to 2 weeks, and should avoid exercice, heavy lifting, smoking and alcohol for at least 4 weeks, in order to improve the incision’s healing and reduce scarring.

Apart for the bandages that must remain until your doctor advises, a special medical garment may also be recommended to be worn for the first week post-surgery.


As with any surgery, some complications might arise after undergoing a neck lift:

  • Bleeding
  • Scarring
  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Numbness
  • Poor wound healing
  • Nerve injury
  • Skin discoloration
  • Change in skin sensation
  • Asymmetry
  • Poor healing


Do you have any questions?

Let our medical experts answer all your inquiries and offer the solution that best fits your cosmetic needs.