NAD is an abbreviation for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. It is a coenzyme that is present in every living cell and has been dubbed an anti-aging molecule due to the several vital functions it plays in preserving youth and extending lifetime.

According to studies, it can combat many of the negative impacts of aging and chronic illnesses on the body and brain.

The brain’s energy-production equation includes NAD as a key component. The brain’s oxygen needs cannot be met in the absence of sufficient NAD, and
brain function deteriorates. NAD IV Therapy can improve concentration and mental clarity while defending the brain against neurodegenerative conditions including Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, although those are just some of its many benefits. It can also:

  • increase energy
  • improve metabolism
  • slow energy
  • regenerate cells
  • slow cognitive decline
  • reduce chronic fatigue
  • improve mental clarity
  • reduce symptoms of diabetes
  • improve cardiovascular health
  • reduce chronic pain
  • reduce inflammation
  • enhances overall well-being
  • promote weight loss
  • enhance liver health
  • treat hangover effects
  • helps combat addiction and withdrawal symptoms

NAD+ can help you feel more energized, whether you are suffering from chronic weariness as a result of sickness or are simply feeling the affects of aging. A coenzyme infusion given intravenously assists in giving your body’s cells chemical energy.



During the treatment, our medical professionals will administer the solution chosen via IV drip, and it will be released directly into the bloodstream. The
process can last from 1 to 4 hours, depending on the course of treatment chosen. There is no pain felt by the patient.

Following the treatment, you can resume regular activities immediately. The effects are immediate, and you will leave the clinic feeling focused, energetic, and clear-headed.

NAD Infusion therapy is a safe treatment, and there is only a small risk of nausea, that goes away very fast, and rarely some topical bleeding on the site of infusion.


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