Breast Lift


Breast Lift

A mastopexy, often known as a breast lift, lifts, and firms the breasts by removing extra skin and tightening the tissue around the breast to give it a new
form and support. To boost the firmness and size of the breasts, a breast lift is frequently performed in conjunction with breast augmentation surgery.

Over time, your breasts frequently alter, losing their youthful firmness and contour. Breasts might sag and soften due to pregnancy, nursing, weight increase and loss, aging, and gravity. Women who are dissatisfied with the size, hardness, or form of their breasts may think about getting a mastopexy, as it can improve their body image and induce a strong sense of self-confidence, thanks to the operation restoring a more youthful breast shape and fullness.

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There are several different breast lift treatments, and the best one for you will depend on your objectives as well as your current size and form. Your starting breast size, degree of drooping, and skin elasticity are crucial elements that define the approach that is appropriate for you to produce the finest aesthetic, natural result.

Breast lift surgery normally takes one and a half to three hours to complete as an outpatient treatment while being administered under general anesthesia.
Incisions are necessary for all varieties of breast lifts in order to remove extra skin and realign the remaining skin. There are various types of surgical treatments to choose from, that vary in the way the skin is lifted and the incisions produced:

  • ANCHOR BREAST LIFT: utilizes a keyhole/ anchor incision that forms an
    anchor shape that begins in the crease at the base of the breast and
    extends upward around the areola. lt is also known as the “inverted T” lift, and
    produces some noticeable scarring, as it is the technique used to treat the most
    severe cases of drooping breasts.
  • VERTICAL BREAST LIFT: Women who need further breast contouring and
    have moderate breast sagging should consider a vertical lift. This procedure
    requires two incisions: one vertical incision from the bottom of the areola down
    to the natural breast crease, and the other circular incision around the outside
    edge of the areola (inframammary fold). The incisions’ lollipop-like shape gives
    rise to the moniker “lollipop lift.”
  • PERI- AREOLAR BREAST LIFT: The peri-areolar breast lift technique, a
    considerably less invasive surgery, is a great option for ladies with minor
    sagging who might benefit from subtle lifting. With this method, your doctor will
    make a single, circular incision all the way around the perimeter of your areola.
    This method leaves a hardly noticeable scar.
  • CRESCENT BREAST LIFT: This method requires just one incision, which runs
    halfway down the upper outer edge of the areola. It is typically advised for women
    with relatively mild drooping. Because the scar is buried within the areola’s
    naturally darker color, it is almost undetectable.
    The results of mastopexy are long-lasting and immediately visible, but the position
    of the breasts and their shape will continue to settle for a few months after the


You should understand that any cosmetic surgical procedure carries some risks. Although these are rare, some of the complications that might arise following
a mastoplexy include:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Bruising
  • Nipple Asymmetry
  • Breast Asymmetry
  • Poor wound healing
  • Change in nipple sensation


Do you have any questions?

Let our medical experts answer all your inquiries and offer the solution that best fits your cosmetic needs.