Body contouring


Body contouring

Body contouring, is a non-surgical alternative to liposuction, also known as ‘’Lipolysis’’, and is used to destroy fat cells and tighten skin in a non-invasive manner.

The majority of non-invasive body sculpting techniques rely on inducing controlled cell death (apoptosis). They destroy fat cells, allowing them to be absorbed and reducing fat deposits in the treated area.

It can help you getting rid of stubborn pockets of fat that still persist no matter the type of diet and amount of exercice, but can also be used to tighten skin after severe weight loss.

Lipolysis should not be viewed as a shortcut to losing weight quickly, it is instead a body sculpting procedure. It can target several body areas: the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, and even the area underneath the chin.

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Depending on the technique used, Lipolysis can last between 30 minutes to one hour.

INJECTION LIPOLYSIS: Chemicals, most often deoxycholic acid, are used in injection lipolysis to lower the amount of fat cells in the treatment area. It is performed under local anesthesia. Two to four sessions might be required for the best results.

CYOLIPOLYSIS: another non-invasive process that takes advantage of this fact that fat cells freeze more quickly than surrounding cells. A special cryolipolysis device vacuums the treatment region between two cooling panels to aid in the freezing of fat cells.

LASER PLIPOLYSIS: the most common technique, it involves making minuscule incisions in the skin surrounding the treated are, in order to allow LASER light to reach the fat cells. It is performed under local anesthesia. The broken-down fat deposits are then suctioned out.

RADIOFREQUENCY LIPOLYSIS: achieved through a radio frequency device, that allows to destroy fat within the body without causing harm to tissue and with no contact with the body. As such, there is no need for anesthesia, but at least 4 sessions are required to achieve optimal results.

Recovery /Risks

As this is a non-surgical option, results might be less apparent at first, and it might take a few days or even weeks for you to notice the final result.

However Lipolysis has no downtime, and the client can return to normal activities the next day. In most cases there’ll be very mild swelling, bruising and redness, that subsides after only a few days.

In some rare cases, some complications might arise:

  • asymmetry
  • Mild erethryma
  • Skin sensateivity
  • Persistent redness
  • Persistent swelling


Do you have any questions?

Let our medical experts answer all your inquiries and offer the solution that best fits your cosmetic needs.